At VIE Concierge Family Medicine & Aesthetics, we understand the importance of caring for your skin. Sometimes, a little extra help can make all the difference. Our clinic in Midland, TX, offers a comprehensive range of aesthetic treatments and skincare services designed to enhance your appearance and boost your confidence. From dermal fillers and Botox to hair restoration, facials, and microneedling, our experienced concierge doctor and dedicated staff are here to assist you. Contact us today to learn more and schedule your appointment!

In recent years, med spas have gained popularity for anyone seeking a go-to destination for medical treatments combined with spa-like relaxation. These establishments offer a wide range of services, from advanced skincare treatments to non-invasive cosmetic procedures - all performed under the close supervision of qualified medical professionals. VIE Concierge Family Medicine & Aesthetics offers comprehensive services for patients throughout the Midland and Odessa, TX area. Here are some of the benefits of visiting our med spa and how it can enhance your well-being and beauty.
Advanced Treatments: Med spas offer a wide range of advanced skincare treatments that go beyond what traditional spas can provide. Med spas use medical-grade products and technologies to offer more effective and targeted solutions and help patients achieve their desired results.
Non-Invasive Procedures: The non-invasive procedures that med spas offer provide viable alternatives to surgical interventions, allowing you to enhance your appearance without the risks and downtime associated with surgery. If you’re interested in achieving your desired results with minimal discomfort and downtime, visiting a med spa is an excellent way to get started.
Personalized Strategies: When you visit our med spa, you can expect us to devise personalized treatment plans that are tailored to your specific needs and goals. We will work closely to help you achieve your goals, allowing you to maximize your investment and enjoy more effective visits.
Safety: Unlike traditional spas, med spas are overseen by licensed healthcare practitioners with specialized training. This ensures that the treatments and procedures offered are performed with the highest level of skill and safety. No matter which treatment interests you, you can have the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you are in qualified, experienced hands.
Relaxation: In addition to medical-grade treatments, med spas provide a relaxing and rejuvenating environment - just like traditional spas. The serene ambiance, soothing music, and luxurious amenities create a tranquil space where you can unwind and rejuvenate.
Visiting VIE Concierge Family Medicine & Aesthetics can benefit your appearance and health in a number of ways. We offer personalized treatment plans to help you address your specific concerns and achieve optimal results. If you're looking to enhance your appearance, improve your skin, or simply pamper yourself, give our med spa a call today to schedule an appointment! We work with patients throughout Midland, Odessa, and the surrounding areas of Texas.